
Ava is a lovely senior lady who recently developed an abscessed mammary mass. Ava’s veterinarian started her on antibiotics, but while her mom saved up for the surgery to remove it, it worsened and Ava developed a fever. She needed the surgery as soon as the vet felt she was stable enough to go under anesthesia, but the bill was going to be almost $2,000. Ava’s mom said, “she’s a great dog, she loves people and other animals. I was sick with worry for her and I didn’t know how I was going to afford the surgery but I knew it had to be done.”

Thankfully, Ava’s veterinarian suggested applying to Rochester Hope for Pets and we provided an award to help with the cost of surgery. Afterward, Ava’s mom said, “I can’t thank you enough.”

This Tail of Hope is brought to you by our friends at Elanco.