
We love reading Tails of Hope like this one that recently appeared in my inbox:

“First of all we would like to say how grateful we are to you guys. This grant help Alice get back to her self.


We ended up kinda rescuing Alice and her siblings. They were brought to us at 6 days old. So our whole family jumped in and we bottle fed them all (6 of them) and took shifts to make sure they were taken care of. Needless to say they all survived and are happy and healthy. Alice however would not eat for anyone but me. So I say she picked me. My family kept 4 of the puppies. Alice and her sister were born with shark jaws. However Alice at 3 years old needed surgery to remove what was only gonna be 3 teeth, which ended being 9 teeth and $1300. I gladly paid to make my baby better.


This past year however we lost 3 cats and found out our younger rescue needs ACL surgery on both legs, one of our cat’s vet’s bill we took a loan on our car to pay the vet. Which we would do again. Our animals are our children, we are still paying the loan off. So the grant really helped Alice; she was suffering and I hated seeing her like that.”

This Tail of Hope is brought to you by Bayer, and by generous donors like you! We’re so happy you’re feeling better, Alice. <3