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“I would like to start with expressing my immense gratitude for this award. It really means a lot to Dizzy and I.

Dizzy was born under a family friend’s porch and as a result made his way into my life. It was personally a time in life where things were difficult and has been honestly one of the best things to happen to me. He and I have such a close bond. He follows me around everywhere, always greets me when I come home after work, and even yells loudly when I am leaving.

Dizzy just means a lot to me, so this past September when health issues began to arise things became scary, difficult, and frustrating at times.

As a male cat Dizzy is prone to FIC (feline idiopathic cystitis) and urinary tract issues in general. So after several visits to both urgent care and his regular vet trying to treat and manage urinary issues he has since ended up at Veterinary Specialists and Emergency Services twice since December for potentially life threatening blockages. At this point I had been completely exhausted both emotionally and financially when a family member told me about Rochester Hope for Pets and decided to apply and hope for the best though not expecting much.

I cannot stress enough how thankful I am that Rochester Hope for Pets was able to help accommodate for nearly half of his last emergency visit!

Thank you so much for everything you were able to do for Dizzy and I, but also all of the other pets that you help every year!”