
Rosie the chihuahua was adopted two years ago from a local rescue. At the time of adoption, Rosie was 7 years old, but that didn’t stop her new family from falling in love with her. Soon after bringing her home, they noticed that Rosie’s breath smelled, and although they tried different solutions, her breath continued to smell really bad.


When they took Rosie to the vet, they were told she needed a dental cleaning and teeth extracted. The estimated cost was overwhelming for the family, so they started searching for assistance. Luckily, they found Rochester Hope for Pets. By October, Rosie’s family was able to save enough money, and with the help of a Rochester Hope for Pets award, they were able to have Rosie’s much-needed dental done. As her mom says, “It was very hard to think about losing Rosie due to health problems from having bad teeth…now she has great breath, and no longer in pain, she is enjoying life.”


“We are lucky to have Rosie, she fills our hearts with love.”


This Tail of Hope is brought to you by our friends at Javen Construction – thank you to this very talented team!