
This is Storm. When Nicole adopted her, she was aware that this was a puppy with special needs. She thought Storm had an eating disorder because of being the runt of the litter. Nicole quickly realized that there was something more serious going on. After an examination, Storm was diagnosed with megaesophagus (ballooning of the esophagus), which was caused by an anomaly in the band of tissue surrounding the esophagus.

The defect prevented food from going into her stomach, leaving Storm severely malnourished. This condition could only be corrected by a very costly surgery performed by specialists. Storm had a very low chance of survival because of her frail condition, but Nicole decided to go ahead with the surgery, because without it, Storm had no chance. Nicole began contacting every agency she could find to seek assistance with the cost of Storm’s required procedure. Rochester Hope for Pets awarded Nicole a grant to help cover a portion of Storm’s surgery expenses.

“I cannot explain in words how grateful and thankful I am for Rochester Hope for Pets, they are truly amazing! They have done more for Storm than I can explain. It is because of organizations like this that animals that would otherwise have no chance are helped and granted life!” said Nicole. In the months following her surgery, Storm tripled in size and continued to thrive.