
Tina was adopted when she was three years old by her loving mother, Sandra Leveson. She came from a local rescue for cats, and seemed healthy and happy upon adoption. A short while after adopting Tina, Sandra noticed that she was acting funny. Sandra brought her to the vet, only to find out that Tina needed to have all of her teeth pulled. Sandra had to choose between paying for the surgery or having her humanely euthanized. Despite needing dental work of her own, Sandra made it clear that “the cat comes first.” Dr. Wihlen at Animal Hospital of Pittsford told Sandra he would do whatever he could to help with the expensive surgery, and was able to connect her with a $400 award from Rochester Hope for Pets – a huge relief for Sandra.

This wasn’t the only time Tina and Sandra would receive help from RHFP though. Recently Tina began developing strange masses around her eyes. It was found that she had multiple growths that needed to be removed. Again, Rochester Hope for Pets was able to cover part of the surgery, and was able to take some of the financial burden off of Sandra’s family.

Now almost 12 years old, Tina remains a snugly, sweet, toothless, and somewhat visually impaired cat with a lot of love left to give.